What is CSAT? Best Practices, Templates, and Question Ideas

Prashanth Kancherla

Aug 21, 2023 | 6 mins read

Businesses are quickly realizing that retaining customers in today’s ultra-competitive business landscape costs less than finding new ones. And customer satisfaction is key to making that happen.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys, then, become vital tools for improving your business and ensuring your customers remain happy and loyal.

In India, a country marked by its diverse and dynamic market, leveraging CSAT surveys holds immense significance for data-driven, customer-centric businesses. Today, satisfied customers are your best brand advocates. But how can companies accurately measure customer satisfaction levels? How can they effectively glean the feedback needed to shape their product, service and strategies in a customer-centric manner?

What Are CSAT Surveys?

CSAT surveys, or Customer Satisfaction surveys, are powerful tools that help businesses evaluate the level of satisfaction their customers have with their products, services, or interactions. By presenting tailored questions, these surveys collect valuable customer feedback, unveiling insights about their feelings about products, services, and interactions.

These surveys provide a quantitative measure of customer satisfaction, helping organizations identify strengths and weaknesses in their offerings, track changes over time, and make data-driven decisions to improve the customer experience.

CSAT surveys are critical in helping businesses build stronger relationships with customers, improve brand loyalty, and ultimately drive sustainable growth.

Why Are CSAT Surveys Important?

CSAT surveys serve as a direct line of communication between businesses and their customers. They provide key insights into the minds of customers, spotlighting their preferences, experiences, and pain points.

By analyzing feedback collected through CSAT surveys, you can identify how to optimize your offerings and enhance customer satisfaction.

In a market as large as India, where consumer preferences can vary widely across regions and demographics, CSAT surveys become even more critical for ensuring that business strategies match the needs of their diverse customer base.

Customer satisfaction metrics and CSAT surveys help businesses

  • Make informed decisions
  • Build customer profile
  • Track progress over time
  • Find new opportunities for growth
  • Know what is working and not working
  • Build rapport with the customer

CSAT Versus Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Businesses typically calculate customer satisfaction scores less frequently than surveys like NPS (net promoter score). While NPS surveys might be conducted daily or weekly, CSAT surveys are conducted monthly, quarterly, or annually. However, CSAT surveys are more in-depth and go beyond gauging customer sentiment to understanding the root causes behind customer discontent (or happiness)

Best Practices for Conducting Effective CSAT Surveys

While CSAT surveys are vital, they aren’t foolproof.  There are many ways businesses can go wrong in constructing and delivering a customer satisfaction survey. A wrongly designed CSAT survey can prevent them from getting an accurate picture of their customer experience.

  • Short and focused
  • Timing is key
  • Clear language
  • Multiple choice and scale
  • Anonymity
  • Incentives
  • Prompt response

Here are some essential best practices that businesses must adopt while designing their surveys:

  • Keep it Short and Focused
    Keep your CSAT survey concise, with a limited number of questions, to encourage higher response rates.
  • Timing is Key
    Find the right moment to send CSAT surveys, such as after a purchase or customer interaction, to capture fresh insights.
  • Use Clear Language
    Use simple and jargon-free language to ensure that respondents understand the questions. Don’t expect your customers to be mathematicians or physicists who will understand every technical calculation thrown at them.
  • Create Multiple Choice and Scale
    Utilize a mix of multiple-choice questions and rating scales to facilitate easy responses. Don’t use rating categories that are undefinable.
  • Offer Anonymity
    Offer respondents a choice to be anonymous to encourage honest responses.
  • Consider Incentives
    Consider offering small incentives or rewards to boost survey participation.
  • Promptly respond
    Consider responding promptly to negative feedback. In fact, automate a response template that can be sent for every feedback.

    Let’s consider an example you can use.

CSAT Survey Template

If you’re unsure how to conduct a CSAT survey or need inspiration, use this customizable template.

Dear [Customer’s Name],

We greatly value your feedback and aim to continuously enhance your experience with [Your Company Name]. Would you please take a moment to share your thoughts by participating in our brief CSAT survey below?

#1 Overall, how satisfied are you with our [Product/Service]?

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

#2 How easy was it to use our [Product/Service]?

  • Very Difficult
  • Difficult
  • Neither Difficult nor Easy
  • Easy
  • Very Easy

#3 Were you satisfied with the speed of our response to your inquiries or concerns?

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

#4 How would you rate the quality of our [Product/Service]?

  • Very Poor
  • Poor
  • Neutral
  • Good
  • Excellent

#5 Do you believe our [Product/Service] provides good value for the price paid?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither Agree nor Disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

#6 How likely are you to recommend our [Product/Service] to others?

  • Very Unlikely
  • Unlikely
  • Neutral
  • Likely
  • Very Likely

#7 Were you satisfied with the assistance provided by our customer support team?

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

#8 Did we effectively communicate important updates or changes related to our [Product/Service]?

  • Not at all
  • Somewhat
  • Neutral
  • Mostly
  • Completely

#9 Were we able to address and resolve any issues you encountered?

  • Not at all
  • Somewhat
  • Neutral
  • Mostly
  • Completely

#10 Did we tailor our [Product/Service] to meet your specific needs?

  • Not at all
  • Somewhat
  • Neutral
  • Mostly
  • Completely

#11 Are you likely to engage with our business again in the future?

  • Very Unlikely
  • Unlikely
  • Neutral
  • Likely
  • Very Likely

Thank you for your valuable input. Your feedback helps us serve you better.


[Your Company Name]

CSAT Survey Questions

Designing a good CSAT survey is crucial to getting a good response rate. Here is a list of 11 CSAT survey questions based on the best practices of businesses that you can tailor to your needs and use:

#1 Overall Satisfaction: On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with our product/service?

#2 Ease of Use: How easy was it to navigate and use our product/service?

#3 Response Time: Were you satisfied with the speed of our response to your inquiries or concerns?

#4 Quality of Product/Service: How would you rate the quality of our product/service?

#5 Value for Money: Do you believe our product/service provides good value for the price paid?

#6 Likelihood to Recommend: How likely are you to recommend our product/service to others?

#7 Customer Support: Were you satisfied with the assistance provided by our customer support team?

#8 Communication: Did we effectively communicate important updates or changes related to our product/service?

#9 Problem Resolution: Were we able to address and resolve any issues you encountered?

#10 Personalization: Did we tailor our product/service to meet your specific needs?

#11 Future Engagement: Are you likely to engage with our business again in the future?

Conclusion: CSAT Surveys Help Unlock Business Success

In India’s ever-evolving business landscape, leveraging CSAT surveys can be a game-changer for enterprises aiming to understand and exceed customer expectations. By asking the right questions, following best practices, and utilizing an effective CSAT survey template, businesses can gather invaluable insights that pave the way for improved products, services, and customer experiences.

In essence, CSAT surveys are more than tools – they’re the guiding compass to understand customer sentiments. As you embark on your journey with newfound knowledge, let CSAT surveys be the driving force for improvement. Listen to your customers, harness this power, and witness your business soar to new heights of success and customer loyalty.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The CSAT survey is useful for evaluating customer satisfaction with a specific product, service, or interaction. It enables service providers to collect valuable feedback directly from customers in a structured manner. It helps them understand their level of contentment and identify areas for improvement.

There are multiple benefits of measuring CSAT. It helps companies identify strengths and weaknesses in their offerings and make strategic decisions to improve customer experience. Additionally, tracking CSAT over time allows businesses to monitor trends, assess the impact of changes, and make informed adjustments.

A strong customer satisfaction score serves as an indicator of positive customer experiences, which play a vital role in fostering customer loyalty, driving brand advocacy, and stimulating word-of-mouth referrals.

Customer satisfaction surveys are necessary to help businesses strategically collect customer feedback and gain insights that improve their product and service offerings. It helps them sense the pulse of the customer, discern their preferences, identify pain points, and understand their expectations.

This valuable knowledge equips businesses to tailor their offerings according to customer needs. The data-driven decisions derived from CSAT surveys empower businesses to enrich customer relationships and drive continual improvement.

Prashanth Kancherla

Chief Operating Officer, Ozonetel Communications

Over the past decade, Prashanth has worked with 3000+ customer experience and contact center leaders...

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