What is the smoothest and fastest way a customer can reach out to a business? That is the question we started asking ourselves.
Every business optimizes for their website. Page load time of less than a second, SEO etc. All teams are aligned to make sure the website is perfect.
Customer comes to the website. He likes what he sees. But he has some questions. What are the options?
- Chatbot

2. Phone number

Both approaches have a friction.
First, when the customer sees a chatbot or a phone number he is worried that if he calls, he will be sharing his phone number with a business he has not yet decided to engage with. He is afraid that the business will start bombarding him with marketing calls.
Second, they are taking the customer away from your well designed website to a chat bot screen or worse, the phone screen.

In this day and age, with all the technology that’s available to us, this just felt wrong.
It’s time for disruption again. Visit our website, https://ozonetel.com/ind/ and click on CXi Switch.

Like when we launched cloud telephony and disrupted communication in India, this is the starting step to disrupt communications again.
CXi Switch is our widget which is easy to integrate into your website and it packs a punch.
A few of the advantages of this widget:
- No dependence on a telecom provider. You own your communications.
- Every website can enable this.
- You can put a voice bot or a CCaaS behind this widget.
- This works with your existing CCaaS provider also. You don’t need to take the CCaaS solution from us.
- Supports DTMF tones so that you can port your IVRs.
Customers expect instant communication when interest is highest, CXi Switch allows you to provide that option to your customers.
Since this is just a web widget and it is enabling communication over the Internet, you can enable access for this widget over a QR code. Allow the customers of your physical store to leave you feedback in an anonymous fashion.
You can just as easily include this in your apps, websites, online ads, newsletters, in-store displays, digital kiosks, and other touch points to power hassle-free voice and digital conversations. You can even include this as your email signature. The possibilities are endless.
We envision a world where every website is an experience zone. Providing your customers with the best experience.
Disrupting communications with the CXi Switch was originally published in oneCXi on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.