Quality Audits for Contact Centers

Eliminate manual errors & automate quality assurance for every conversation

Why Automate QA?

Remove human bias & ensure 100% QA

Unlike traditional QA, there is no room for manual errors & prejudice in automated audits. You can now monitor every single contact center conversation against 30+ parameters and find every single discrepancy or deviation with ease.

Create truly empathetic CX

Go beyond CSAT and traditional metrics. Uncover customer sentiment & identify the root cause behind customer pain points to create truly impactful CX. Standardize and align audited parameters to meet your CX goals.

Improve workforce efficiency

Identify improvement areas and curate personalized coaching plans for every agent to transform contact center performance. Fine-tune your agent scripts according to their specific strengths and weaknesses.

Accelerate Call Quality Monitoring & Supervision

Automate how you monitor every single call and chat for a more objective and make a marked improvement in call quality scores.

Enable Empathetic, Personalized Agent Training

Our Speech Analytics Dashboard & Reports help team leads pinpoint agent training needs, often improving agent scores within the first month of deployment.

See an immediate impact on your Contact Center performance

There are multiple long-term benefits of investing in Conversational Intelligence, but here are some results you can expect from the get go.
Prevent escalations in real-time

Our intuitive dashboards and proactive alerts make it easy for team managers to identify outliers and solve issues as they occur rather than after the fact.

Visibly improve CX

Our dashboard is intuitive and easy to use. Managers need no training to use it and your business gets critical CX insights from the get-go.

Transform agent performance in weeks

Your team leads can pinpoint performance lags faster and often improve agent scores within the first few weeks of deployment.

Here are some ways we help you assess your call quality

Our dashboard automates the discovery of these key metrics
Rate of speech

Customers may not understand your agents when they speak too fast or too slow. Monitor speech rate to ensure clarity across all calls.


The ideal range of a phone conversation should be between 50 and 60 dB. Anything louder or more muted may put off customers.


Analyze conversations to understand whether an agent demonstrates enough empathy and emotional intelligence.

Signal to noise ratio_
Signal-to-noise ratio

Get alerts when background noise increases and call quality drops for any call.


Cutting off customers' mid-conversation reflects poorly on your organization. Get automated alerts if calls have frequent interruptions from the agent-side.

Active listening

Evaluate the call-to-listen ratio based on set parameters for inbound and outbound calling. Encourage agents to be patient while addressing customer concerns.

Agent & customer sentiment

Let voice analytics gauge how customers felt at various stages of the conversation. Measure agent sentiment and compare reports with ease.

Fastest resolutions
Fastest resolutions

Get regular reports to see which calls were resolved faster & use these insights to drive team efficiency.

Start your 7-day free trial

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. The proprietary model for Ozonetel speech analytics is developed by applying deep learning techniques. We combine the use of natural language processing techniques as well as voice analytics to accurately capture customer sentiment.

Speech analytics analysis of voice interactions using natural language programming (NLP). In the call center, this involves analyzing call recordings or analyzing calls in real-time.

Businesses use speech analytics to derive marketing, product development, and call center training requirements. The most immediate benefit of speech analytics is ensuring quality assurance across 100% of calls.  Learn more here.

A volume of 60db in a conversation is ideal. If your agents are speaking louder than this, it may be considered rude or unpleasant to hear. If they are speaking softer than this, then the customer may not be able to hear them.

We aggregate various performance parameters into a single score known as Agent Score. This includes parameters such as sentiment (how positive the call was), interruptions (how many times did the agent interrupt the customer), speaking rate, loudness/volume, and interval times, to determine how well an agent performed. The ideal Agent Score should be 90%.

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