Customer Experience Analytics: Everything You Need To Know

Prashanth Kancherla

Feb 22, 2024 | 16 mins read

Contact management software is a powerful tool that can help businesses improve customer engagement and enhance customer experiences. By providing a centralized platform for managing customer data, contact management software enables businesses to gain a 360-degree view of their customers, which can be used to create highly customized offers based on their interests, purchase history, and more.

Contact management software can also help businesses streamline communication and provide faster response times. By automating routine tasks such as data entry and lead management, contact management software frees up time for customer service representatives to focus on providing exceptional customer service. It comes with customizable features, alert systems, and comprehensive history tracking, ensuring businesses stay organized and efficient.

To sum up, contact management software is helping businesses gain a deeper understanding of their customers and provides personalized experiences that meet their unique needs. In this article, we will take a look at the best contact management software, their key features, the benefits they offer, what makes them unique and how users rate them.

What is Customer Experience Analytics?

Customer experience (CX) analytics systematically collects, integrates, and analyzes data about a company’s products and services and customer interactions and behaviors. Also, CX analytics can provide valuable insights about customer behavior, preferences, and trends, allowing organizations to make more data-driven business decisions that improve customer happiness, engagement, and loyalty while boosting overall business performance.

Data for customer experience analytics can be collected through various digital channels, including Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys, social media mentions, or clicks, as well as data derived from user interactions with websites and mobile applications. CX analytics can also apply to non-digital channels, such as in-store experiences. CX analytics collects and analyzes these touchpoints to better understand prior events. The collected insights are then used to forecast and affect future outcomes.

Why is CX Analytics Required?

The only way to create a fantastic customer experience is to analyze customer feedback and analytics and then use all of the data to make future decisions. Apart from these, there are several reasons why data analytics in customer experience is critical, including:

Discover customer behaviors and preferences

When you study client interactions through an object lens, you may discover customer demands, pain areas, and behaviors that you did not anticipate.

Identify patterns and trends 

CX analytics provide a comprehensive perspective of historical patterns and prospective trends that may impact business success. Big data analytics can even offer precise forecasts about user experience changes.

Make data-driven judgments

Looking at customer experience analytics allows you to leverage these valuable insights to make data-driven decisions rather than depending just on your product marketing plan.

Benefits of Customer Experience Analytics

A comprehensive plan for exploiting customer experience analytics involves extensive data analysis. There are numerous different indicators and KPIs to control. However, while a thorough study requires time and effort, it is worth it. Whether you want to reduce churn or increase your brand reputation, CX analytics will guide you in the right route. Here are some other advantages of leveraging CX analytics:

Reduced Turnover

Customers depart firms for a variety of reasons. The easiest way to avoid these issues is to identify what will most likely drive your clients away. Customer experience analytics can help you identify common difficulties that customers encounter. This paves the way for the development of improved customer self-service tools and resources.

With sentiment analysis technologies, you can recognize consumers who are most likely to churn in the present. This makes it easy to advise agents to de-escalate a situation and increase your chances of retention.

Improved Customer Insights

The most obvious benefit of customer experience analytics is an increased understanding of your customers. The more detailed your insights are, the easier it is to make the best decisions to improve customer service.

Analytical tools and AI technologies can provide a behind-the-scenes look at each stage of your consumer journey. They can show your clients’ channels, allowing you to allocate your human resources better. The correct technologies provide insight into your customers’ sentiments and perceptions of your brand and how they can change as a result of employee activities.

A Competitive Advantage

According to Gartner research, customer experience accounts for 60% of all brand loyalty, outweighing product costs and features. Customer experience analytics help you develop experiences that differentiate you from the competition.

You can utilize insights to categorize your customers and offer them more personalized interactions depending on their interests. You may also use your data to drive sales and marketing initiatives, increasing your odds of conversions.

Better Agent Training

A successful CX strategy involves more than the proper contact center tools and technology. You also need agents who excel at their jobs. Customer experience analytics can offer you the insights you need to train your team members more effectively. You can choose which abilities to focus on with your teams, from empathy to active listening.

You can also find techniques to empower your agents and the customer experience. For example, suppose you know that consumers are contacting you about a specific problem. In that case, you can provide each agent with an automated troubleshooting guide to assist them in resolving the issue.

Increased Revenue

Customer experience analytics can benefit your bottom line in ways other than improved marketing and sales methods. According to studies, clients who had outstanding encounters with firms spent approximately 140% more on average than their counterparts.

Happier customers are more likely to stay with the company, which increases their lifetime value. Furthermore, clients who appreciate your company are more inclined to spend more on each purchase, raising order values.

Important KPIs

Since CX analytics can include a wide range of data and metrics, selecting the correct metrics to track and analyze is critical. Only then will you be able to begin taking action rather than being lost in the statistics. While there are numerous CX metrics you can evaluate, here are a few crucial ones to watch and analyze:

Direct Feedback Customer Data

Customer experience analytics considers all aspects of the customer experience, including data from direct and indirect feedback sources.

Direct feedback—data that have been solicited from the customer—includes:

Customer Satisfaction Score

CSAT employs a numerical value to assess consumer satisfaction with a business, purchase, or interaction. It is typically addressed by asking a simple question following a purchase or customer service encounter, such as ‘How happy were you with your experience?’

Customers review their experiences on a scale of 1-5 or 1-10, and an 80% CSAT score indicates that eight out of ten customers gave you a favorable rating rather than a neutral or negative one. This score’s simplicity makes it a straightforward approach to shut the loop on customer engagement and determine whether your company successfully produced customer pleasure. You can use CSAT Software  at different touch points along a customer’s journey to measure the level of satisfaction at each stage.

Customer Effort Score

CES is a number that quantifies how much effort a client makes to buy your product, use it, fix an issue, or have a question addressed. It is often gathered by a survey in which consumers rate their experience on a scale from ‘Very Difficult’ to ‘Very Easy.’ Generally, customers are more likely to stick to a brand that provides a simple experience.

To calculate the CES, sum the total number of respondents who voted five or higher and divide by the total number of persons who participated in the survey. This means that if 80 out of 100 respondents rated your product/service five or higher, 80% are inclined to use it again.

Net Promoter Score

NPS is a metric that measures a customer’s willingness to recommend a product, service, or brand. Again, it is calculated using a simple question such as ‘On a scale of 1-8, how likely are you to refer us to your friends?’

Based on this data, NPS divides customers into three categories: 

  • Promoters are committed customers who want to spread the good word about your company.
  • Passives are happy customers who are vulnerable to competitors’ marketing impact.
  • Detractors are dissatisfied consumers who may discourage others from doing business with you.

To calculate your NPS, subtract the percentage of Promoters from the rate of Detractors. An NPS score ranges from -100 (everyone is a detractor) to 100 (everyone is a promoter).

Generally, NPS more than zero is considered good, and NPS greater than +50 is considered superb. However, the rankings differ by industry, so check your sector-specific benchmarks. NPS is a simple but powerful predictor of other essential business measures, such as customer retention rate, average spending, and customer lifetime value (CLV), critical to increasing revenue and business success.

Indirect Feedback Customer Data 

Indirect feedback—data gathered as a result of consumer interactions but not solicited directly from the customer—includes:

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer lifetime value (CLV or CLTV) is a measure that represents a company’s total net profit from a customer throughout the relationship. It takes into account the customer’s first purchase, subsequent transactions, and the average length of their relationship with the company.

Customer lifetime value allows you to assess and evaluate current customer loyalty. If clients continue to buy from you, it’s usually a sign that you’re doing something right in your business. Furthermore, the higher a customer’s lifetime value, the lower your customer acquisition expenses.

Customer Churn Rate

The churn rate, or attrition rate, is when consumers discontinue business with an organization over a set period. Churn may also refer to the number of customers who cancel or do not renew their membership. The higher your turnover rate, the more clients will cease buying from you. The lower your churn rate, the more clients you will retain. This also means that the lower the churn rate, the better.

Understanding client churn is critical for determining the efficacy of your marketing activities and overall customer happiness. Maintaining existing consumers is also more accessible and less expensive than recruiting new ones. Due to the prevalence of subscription business models, many firms must understand where, how, and why their consumers may be leaving.

Customer Retention Rate

Customer renewal rate refers to the percentage of consumers that renew their subscription or purchase from a company within a specific period. It is derived by dividing the number of renewals by the total number of customers and reporting the result as a percentage.‍

A reasonable customer renewal rate varies by industry and product or service type. Usually, a renewal rate of 80% or higher is considered desirable. However, you should benchmark and compare your renewal rate to industry standards as well as your competitors.

How Customer Experience Analytics Help Businesses Improve Customer Experience?

Customers’ data can be used in various ways to improve their overall experience. Here are four of the most effective ways for organizations to enhance their consumers’ experiences with data analytics:

Develop a Customer Base

Personalization powered by reliable consumer data may foster a stronger bond with your customers. Personalized experiences can boost consumer pleasure and, consequently, loyalty.

Make Use of Predictive Analytics

This analytics can predict future customer behavior and trends. This lets you proactively change your strategies to match customer wants and preferences.

Monitor Customer Behavior

Analytics may track how customers interact with your company through several touchpoints. This can provide insights into what is working well and what needs improvement, helping you enhance the customer experience.

Create a Satisfying Data-Driven Client Experience

Data enables you to create a more customer-centric design by determining what customers genuinely value. To earn customer appreciation, you must leverage data to proactively understand and solve customer pain points .

Transforming Insights into Action

Here is a step-by-step plan that will help you turn your CX insights into actionable pointers:

Collect Data at Critical Touchpoints

User journeys can be long and varied. To obtain an accurate big-picture view of your customer journey, you must collect as much data as possible at all consumer touchpoints. For example, here are several touchpoints to monitor as consumers progress from top-of-funnel prospects to long-term recurring customers:

  • Advertisement views and clicks
  • Organic searches
  • Page views
  • Article views and clicks
  • All contacts for your contact center
  • NPS survey results
  • Email opens and clicks

Collecting all of this information will be difficult, but the effort will be worthwhile. Understanding the customer journey will provide a wealth of valuable insight.

Identify Users and Unify Their Actions

All of the data you collect will be useful for journey mapping. However, tracking every client interaction may rapidly become a nightmare for your data team unless you follow some best practices.

First, identify users as early in the funnel as feasible, then tag all their future actions with the same unique ID. This makes it much easier to track individual consumers, map out their trips, and ensure no disconnects.

Second, standardize user activities so that each action contains the same fundamental data kinds, such as user ID (Who), action type (What did they do?), and timestamp (When).

Use Efficient Analytics Systems

With each user contributing such a large quantity of data, businesses with small user bases may rapidly learn that their current analytics method could be better for customer journey mapping.

Most businesses utilize an SQL-based database to track everything from marketing data to customer attrition. However, SQL is not built to handle the enormous quantities generated when conducting customer journey analytics. Designing a custom, purpose-built analytics system is possible, but this often takes time, knowledge, and expense.

Create Simple Visual Reports

Whatever CX analytics system you use, don’t underestimate the importance of visualizing data once collected and evaluated. This is because you can order a thousand data points for each consumer, but they are only meaningful once users can see the insights they produce.

That is, your analytics solution should generate visually appealing, easy-to-understand reports. Even someone new to customer analytics should be able to read a report and comprehend the data about how customers progress through the customer journey.

The customer journey map is an important visualization here since it shows how different consumers move through your customer journey, emphasizing locations where distinct user cohorts split off, bounce, or churn, among other things. A map like this would expose issues, reveal client wants, and recommend solutions in an easy-to-understand format.

Tips to Improve CX Using CX Analytics

Data analytics is the act of gathering, processing, and analyzing massive amounts of data to discover relevant patterns, trends, and insights. In terms of customer experience, data analytics is critical for understanding customer behavior, preferences, pain spots, and expectations.

CXOs and customer success managers can make better-informed decisions by exploiting these data, resulting in more targeted and effective initiatives. Here are some more tips that can help you benefit more from these analytics:

Define the Ideal Consumer Segment

Once the data is completed, which demography accounts for the highest sales and revenue results should be clear. This client segment represents your ideal user base or target demographic. Understanding what drives them to purchase and attempting to directly extend this section of clients now may yield greater results.

Identify Customer Needs

Analyzing the conversation will allow organizations to determine any client demands accurately. Any successful customer experience will always strive to meet its audience’s shifting needs. Customers who are engaged will continually tell you what they anticipate and how your brand might improve. One way to use CX analytics is to actively listen to this discussion on social media or through direct interaction and incorporate it into your customer experience.

Develop Tailored Consumer Experiences

Because the previous processes in customer experience analytics successfully identified trends for each channel or segment of customers, firms can address these pain areas and give individualized solutions. For example, if a group of users are experiencing a common problem or searching for a specific topic, generating material on that issue can be an attempt to make it more personalized.

Continuously Monitor Experiences

Finally, customer interactions with a brand are incredibly dynamic and ever-changing, so businesses must always be on top of it. The final phase in customer experience analytics is continuously gathering and analyzing data to track these experiences.

Stand Out From Your Competitors

After conducting CX analysis on their brand, organizations may seek more CX insights by evaluating their competitors. CX study of rivals can help teams find significant solutions. Teams should search for customer journey segments where their competitors outperform them and offer a solution.

Tools and Platforms

To assist you in making an informed decision, here is a list of the best CX analytics tools, complete with an overview of their essential features and G2 ratings:


UserPilot is a user experience and adoption software that helps businesses engage with their customers at every stage of the product usage cycle. Their objective is to increase product value and create an intuitive environment for your users, making it appropriate for enterprises ranging from early startups to large corporations.


  • Interactive Product Walkthroughs: Helps users navigate the product intuitively.
  • Native Analytics provides insights into the user’s path and behavior.
  • In-App Messaging: Enables timely communication with users within the platform.
  • Experience Surveys: Collects customer feedback for continuous product improvement.
  • User Segmentation: Enables tailored experiences depending on user behavior.

User Review: Boosting user engagement.

G2 Rating: 4.6/5


Hotjar is a user feedback and behavior analytics platform that provides various analytical tools for enhanced customer understanding. The company intends to help users better understand their customers’ decisions, enrich their experiences, and improve the product interface. Hotjar is an ideal fit for enterprises ranging from startups to established firms looking to improve their customer experience.


Hotjar excels at providing customer experience tools, including:

  • Heatmaps: Displays user interactions on your website.
  • Form Analysis: Identifies issue spots in your forms that are causing drop-offs.
  • Conversion Funnels: Detects difficulties at several stages of the client journey.
  • Visitor Recordings: Monitors user behavior to better understand their interaction patterns.
  • Input Tools: Uses on-site tools such as polls and surveys to collect user input.

User Review: Hotjar – The best tool to analyze user journey and experience.

G2 Rating: 4.3/5


The Ozonetel’s unified CX Platform combines contact center, communication APIs, customer interaction, and workforce management technologies to create a better experience for its clients. Ozonetel Speech Analytics Solution is crafted to deliver comprehensive conversational intelligence and offer a complete assessment of your team. With state-of-the-art AI technology, it autonomously generates detailed insights from each customer interaction to refine your quality audits effectively.


  • Automated Call Quality Audits: Evaluate every conversation against 30+ parameters for seamless quality monitoring and process improvement.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Convert QA parameters like decibel levels and speaking rate into automated scores to identify escalated conversations effectively.
  • Comprehensive Performance Insights: Gain deeper visibility into call center performance with varied analytics and call transcripts.
  • Campaign Monitoring: Analyze conversational intent and customer sentiment across campaigns to optimize agent training and improve outcomes.
  • Efficient Metrics Tracking: Track call quality score and customer satisfaction metrics for thousands of calls rapidly, enabling agile decision-making.
  • Advanced Technology Integration: Utilize Natural Language Processing, Conversational AI, and Machine Learning to detect a wide range of customer-impacting issues instantly.

User Review: The Ozonetel cloud agent has many of the best features and provides ease of use with a simple interface for the agents.

G2 Rating: 4.4/5

Help Scout

Help Scout is an email-based customer support platform that strives to make every client connection unique and humanized. Recognizing the commercial importance of putting customers first, Help Scout is trusted by organizations of all sizes to improve their customer experience efficiently.



  • Knowledge Base: Provides clients with answers at any time through 24/7 self-service help.
  • Live Chat: Provides real-time messaging to communicate with customers and ensure prompt responses.
  • Shared Inbox: Enables teams to interact and respond to consumers efficiently.
  • Reports: Provide insights into team performance and consumer satisfaction.
  • Client Management: Tracks client engagement to provide a consistent service experience.

User Review: Help Scout has completely changed how we handle support requests and implementations.

G2 Rating: 4.4/5


HubSpot is a comprehensive customer experience platform that includes marketing, sales, and customer service tools. The company helps organizations expand by nurturing leads, tracking interactions, and successfully managing the customer experience. HubSpot serves businesses of all sizes, from startups to established enterprises, seeking to attract, engage, and delight their consumers.


  • CRM: Records all customer interactions and organizes them in a centralized location.
  • Sales Hub: Tracks the sales funnel, coordinates team activities, and closes deals efficiently.
  • Marketing automation streamlines marketing operations by automating workflows.
  • Analytics: Provides information about user activity, campaign performance, and more.
  • Customer Service Hub: Offers resources for customer support, such as tickets and comments.

User Review: I recommend HubSpot Sales Hub to all my friends and colleagues.

G2 Rating: 4.4/5


 Qualtrics a powerful customer analytics software, dives deep into understanding customer interactions across various channels. Qualtrics empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, benefiting both customers and the organization. Qualtrics is trusted by Fortune 500 companies for building iconic brands and loyal customers.


  • Comprehensive Data Capture: Captures every customer interaction across channels.
  • Human-Machine Collaboration: Combines human-level understanding with scalable machine capabilities.
  • Holistic View of Customer Experiences: Offers a comprehensive view of customer needs.
  • Employee Experience Focus: Focuses on understanding and improving employee experiences.

User Review: It is a great tool offering survey and data analysis at a single platform, it’s easy to understand and use.

G2: 4.4/5


CleverTap is  an all-in-one engagement platform, empowering businesses to harness the power of customer data and analytics. With its suite of features, CleverTap enables organizations to understand customers better, personalize experiences, and maximize conversions. You can leverage data-driven solution to you can maximize marketing efforts and achieve unparalleled success.


  •  Seamless Data Exploration: Explore customer data without SQL hassle.
  • Data Ingestion: Ingests data from diverse sources for trusted insights.
  • Granular Analytics: Offers detailed analytics features for user behavior.
  • Micro-segmentation: Enables creation of micro-segments for targeted marketing.

User Review: CleverTap serves as an invaluable tool for product managers, offering a user-friendly interface to delve into comprehensive analytics.

G2: 4.6/5


Qualaroo is a leading SaaS product designed to help companies gather customer insights and drive growth. With its innovative surveying capabilities, Qualaroo enables businesses to uncover the “why” behind customers’ decisions, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning.


  • Contextual User Surveys: Facilitate easy surveying based on user behavior.
  • Real-time Feedback: Understand visitor perceptions and product functionality instantly.
  • Exit Surveys: Identify reasons behind reluctance to convert.
  • Targeted Surveying: Target users based on actions, behavior, events, and locations for key insights.

User Review: Advanced targeting helps us personalize surveys for better engagement with our target audience.

G2: 4.3/5


Mixpanel is as a trusted ally for businesses navigating the complex landscape of product analytics , offering simple yet powerful solutions for data-driven decision-making. With its intuitive interface and scalable infrastructure, Mixpanel empowers businesses to unlock actionable insights and drive growth.


  • Intuitive UX Analytics: Explore data, set up metrics and uncover trends effortlessly.
  • Interactive Event Analysis: Provides actionable insights on trusted data for informed decisions
  • Scalable Infrastructure: Ensures reliable insights regardless of data volume.
  • Streamlined Data Collection: Simplifies data collection and analysis processes.

User Review: Top-class Analytics platform to track the product performance

G2: 4.6/5


No matter what your business is about or what industry you’re in, a strong focus on delivering exceptional CX is critical for dominating the market. Analytics, not hunches, are the only reliable approach to determine what is and is not working. So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to start using CX analytics to convert one-time consumers into repeat customers and repeat customers into committed advocates who will gladly promote your company.

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Ready to take control of your call transfer
experience for better CX outcomes?

Prashanth Kancherla

Chief Operating Officer, Ozonetel Communications

Over the past decade, Prashanth has worked with 3000+ customer experience and contact center leaders...

Frequently Asked Questions

Customer experience analysis involves examining various aspects of customers’ interactions with a company to understand their perceptions, behaviors, and satisfaction levels. It aims to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement in the overall customer experience.

Data analytics in customer experience refers to the process of analyzing large volumes of customer data to gain insights into their preferences, behaviors, and needs. This analysis helps businesses make informed decisions to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

A CX analyst is responsible for analyzing customer data to identify trends, patterns, and insights that can improve the overall customer experience. They use various tools and techniques to interpret data and provide actionable recommendations to optimize processes and interactions.

Perceived value directly influences customer satisfaction. When customers believe they receive significant value for their investment, satisfaction increases, fostering brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

Customer analytics involves analyzing customer data to gain insights into their behaviors, preferences, and needs. It helps businesses understand their customers better, predict future trends, and tailor products and services to meet specific customer demands.

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