Author: Sudhamay

5 guidelines to implement self-service

28 May in Artificial Intelligence, Call Center, Customer Experience, Telephony For Support

What is the basic motive for a business to provide self-service? Is the aim to reduce call queues, agent workloads, and costs? Or is it to improve their customer experience?  Turns out, self-service can simultaneously improve efficiency while improving the customer experience. Because, in many cases,...

4 Immediate ways Voice Bots can help sales teams

21 December in Agent Experience, Artificial Intelligence, Call Center, Customer Experience, Telephony For Sales

It has been quite a while since chatbots have invaded the customer service sector. Several big-name bots have taken up residence on different platforms to serve various purposes. Chief among those purposes is to let the users interact and communicate in real-time. This provides a...

Want a voice bot for your support or sales calls? 3 pointers to get you started

09 November in Artificial Intelligence, Call Center, Ozonetel, Telephony For Support

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